Thursday, 25 February 2010

Australian Development Scholarships (ADS)

Brief Description

Australian Development Scholarships are a highly valued form of development cooperation that aims to contribute to the long term development needs of Australia's partner countries to promote growth and stability. They provide opportunities for people from developing countries to undertake full time undergraduate or postgraduate study in Australia.Up to 1000 Australian Development Scholarships are awarded each year across 31 countries with scholarships awarded equally between men and women.


There are two categories of Australian Development Scholarships:

Public sector: Applicants are public sector employees who are nominated by their governments for an Australian Development Scholarship award through a competitive selection process. Applicants are required to return to their role in the public service at the completion of their award to strengthen public service capacity in their home country.

Open/equity: Applicants do not need to be nominated by their government or employer. Anyone who meets the selection criteria may apply under this category. Applicants are required to return to their country of citizenship after the completion of their award to contribute to the development of the identified priority sector in their country.


Applicants for Australian Development Scholarships must satisfy both the general eligibility criteria and specific criteria established for each country. Applicants will also need to satisfy all requirements of the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

General eligibility criteria

Applicants must:

  • be a citizen of an ADS participating country
  • not hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent resident status
  • not married to, a de facto of, or engaged to, a person who holds or is eligible to hold an Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent resident status
  • not hold or have held an Australian government funded scholarship in the preceding 12 months at the time of application
  • satisfy any specific criteria established by the applicant's country and/or government of citizenship
  • satisfy the admission requirements of the Institution at which the ADS is to be undertaken
  • satisfy all requirements of the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Country specific criteria

In addition to the above general eligibility criteria, applicants must also meet specific eligibility criteria imposed by the Government of their country of citizenship. Country specific eligibility criteria are available from the Australian Diplomatic Mission in your country of citizenship, or from the relevant link below.

For More Information About This Scholarship Can Be Found Here :

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