Saturday, 27 March 2010

Chinese Government Scholarship For Indian Students 2010/2011

Applications are invited from Indian nationals, on plain paper, in the format given below, for the award of Chinese Government Scholarship tenable from September, 2010 for higher studies/research/specialized training in the subject fields of Chinese Language and Literature, Political Science, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Environmental Science, Fine Arts (Painting and Sculpture), Agronomy, Sericulture and Botany.


(a) Qualifications:-

i)   Chinese Language and Literature:- Two or three years basic grounding in Chinese language (i.e. a certificate/degree/Diploma from reputed/recognized institutions).

ii)   Fine Arts (Painting & Sculpture):- Should have obtained Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts with minimum 60% marks in aggregate.

iii)  Other subjects:- Should have obtained post-graduate degree with minimum 60% marks in aggregate in a related subject. The selected candidates will have to undergo Chinese Language study for one year prior to undertaking study in the areas of their choice.

 (b)   Age Limit:- 40 years or below as on 30.03.2010 (i.e. born on or after 30.03.1970).

 (c)  Value of Scholarship:- The Chinese  Government pays  a sum of Yuans 1400/- p.m to all senior advanced students, Yuans 1100/- p.m to ordinary graduate students and Yuans 800/- p.m. to undergraduate students. In addition, Government of India is paying supplementary grant of Yuans 1170/- p.m. Government of China will also provide boarding, lodging, medical care and bear expenditure on tuition and other fees etc.

 (d)  Cost of passage:- Government of India will bear the International passage cost from India to China and back.

 (e)  Last date for submission of application:- Applications on plain paper (as per format given below) along with attested copies of all certificates/degrees/diplomas and mark sheet of qualifying degree should reach “The Section Officer, ES.3 Section, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, A.1/W.3 Curzon Road Barracks, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001, latest by 05.04.2010 (5:30 P.M). Applications received after this date will not be considered. Applications can also be submitted online at the Department website by 05.04.2010. In case of online applications, hard copy of the applications in the prescribed format alongwith required documents should be submitted by 12.04.2010 otherwise online applications will not be entertained...


 1.   The study of Chinese Language Course of about one year is mandatory before starting study in relevant subject in Chinese Language. The medium of instructions/study in China is Chinese Language; hence the candidates must keep this fact in mind before sending application for Chinese Government Scholarship. No request for exemption or waiving of Chinese Language Course will be entertained after nomination/selection and application of applicant will be rejected summarily if he/she is not willing to study Chinese Language in China.

 2.  Only those  candidates  who  are  nominated  by  MHRD should apply their     application   through  to the China scholarship Council.

 3.   The following documents must be attached with the application:

 (a)  Attested copy of the mark-sheet of the qualifying examination; and attested copy of the certificate certifying the date of birth.

(b)  Attested copies of all other degrees/diplomas/certificates etc.

(c)  Self attested copies will not be accepted.

(d) Where grades are mentioned, the candidate must indicate the conversion formula adopted by the University/Institution and should indicate equivalent percentage of marks.

(e)  Candidates who are awaiting the final result need not apply.

 4.   Equivalent foreign degree will be considered.

 5.   Candidates who have already been abroad for study/research/training for more than six months at a time either on a scholarship or on their own, are eligible to apply only if they have been in India for at least two consecutive years after their return from abroad. Applications of candidates, who are staying abroad, will not be considered.

 6.   Candidates should have adequate knowledge of geographical situation, culture and heritage of China and India.

 7.   Applications in subject-fields, other than those specified, will not be considered. Separate applications are to be submitted by candidates applying for more than one subject.

 8.  Employed candidates must send their applications through their employers with “No Objection Certificate”. However, an advance application can be submitted with the undertaking that the application through employer should reach before the date of interview, positively. Otherwise candidates will not be allowed to appear for interview.

 9.  Candidates must attach with the application a description in at least 500 words of his project/proposal of study/research to be undertaken in China.

 10.  In case no communication is received on or before 15.06.2010 by a candidate, who applied in response to the advertisement, it may be presumed that he/she has not been nominated for the scholarship. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

11. Applications which are incomplete (viz. subject has not been mentioned, Photograph has not been pasted, unsigned applications) will not be considered.

 12. Canvassing in any form & suppression of any fact in the application will disqualify the candidature of the applicant.

 13. M.Phil will be treated as one year’s research experience unless a certificate from the University is enclosed stating the duration of the M.Phil Course in that University.

 14. While indicating the period of past experience and stay abroad, candidate should mention the specific dates.

 15. As these scholarships are offered by foreign Govts, the applications should be submitted in English only.

 16. Candidates who do not possess the essential qualifications need not apply.


 18. The final Selection of the nominated candidates rests with the Government of China.

 19. Mere fulfillment of minimum requirements as laid down in the advertisement does not qualify a candidate for interview. Interview letters are sent only to limited number of candidates after their applications are examined by the committee of experts.

 20. The applicants who are in employment should have an assurance from their employers that if their nomination is successful, they will be granted sufficient leave for study period.

 21. Candidates for Fine Arts should also submit four photographs of their recent art works alongwith the application, which will not be returned.

 22. This Division will not be responsible for postal delay.

Deadline :

April 5,2010

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