You have a Masters degree and seek to gain a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) supported for 3-years by one of the most prestigious European scholarships (MC-ITN). You possess great intellectual curiosity and enjoy doing both professionally relevant and academically rigorous research in English, while living and working in France.
We are looking for excellent candidates with an interest in combining empirical socio-economic research, in our case technology and innovation management in semiconductors, micro- and nano-electronics. A sound background in research methods using both, quantitative (statistical and social network analysis) and qualitative (ethnography, interviewing and participant observation) methods is mandatory...
For an entry on the 1st of September 2010, the deadline for applications is on the 30th of June 2010.
Additional Entry Requirements
- Masters degree in the Social Sciences, Economics, Science and Technology Studies, or related areas (including Engineering disciplines related to semiconductors)
- High motivation in performing interdisciplinary research
- Fluent English (and at least working knowledge of French)
- Mobility (the willingness to live and work in a foreign country)
- Experience with empirical research (both qualitative and quantitative methods)
- Computer literacy (use of specialised software for data collection and analysis)
- Since the funding is for three years, ideally, candidates should be able to enter Stage II of the joint DBA degree, which requires a relevant Masters degree and sufficient research methods training for doctoral level study.
Further Information :