Sunday, 25 April 2010

Pakistan: Indigenous Ph.D. Fellowship Program (5000 Fellowships)


The programme aims at awarding of 5000 PhD scholarships in various field of studies in different phases/Batches. The priority areas for research include Engineering Sciences, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Basic Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Humanities/Social Sciences and Health Sciences. Scholarships however, are not restricted to specified subject/areas and may also be awarded to scholars who would like to conduct research in any area not specified in the programme.

The objectives of the scheme are:

  1. To stimulate research and development activities in public sector Universities in Pakistan.

  2. To create a critical mass of highly qualified human resources in all fields taught at the advanced level in the world. These locally qualified academics and researchers will improve the R&D potential of our teaching and research institutions and the training potentials of our universities (public as well as private) and feed the industrial sector.

  3. To promote M.Phil/M.S (Engr) and Ph.D. courses and research work in all fields. These M.Phil, M.S. (Engr) and Ph.D. students will work on problems of interest to Pakistan and will address social and economical problems critical to the development of Pakistan.

  4. The specific objective is to give scholarships to a total of 5000 students in five batches. 1000 Ph.D scholars in the first year as batch-I, starting from September 2003. These students will initially be enrolled in the respective M.Phil/M.S (Engr) programs at the Universities and will subsequently become Ph.D. scholars. Four batches of Ph.D students will follow in subsequent four years.


  1. Scholar should have a degree with minimum 18 years of education and
    No 3rd division in entire academic carrier (where “division” criteria applicable)
    2) No ”D” grade in entire academic carrier (where “grade” criteria applicable)
  2. In case of Mphil leading to PhD schoalr must have completed MS/MPhil fulfilling HEC Quality Criteria and have been enrolled in PhD studies on or before 31st May 2010.
  3. Must be a regular PhD Student.
  4. Must not be availing any other scholarship currently.
  5. Maximum age is 35 years, except for people working on regular basis in public sector whose maximum age is 40 years, by closing date of submission of application.
  6. The Scholar will have to be a full-time regular student to avail the scholarship. Those who are employed have to arrange study leave for the full duration of the program.
  7. Must be conducting studies under the supervision of an HEC Approved PhD supervisor. List of HEC approved supervisors.
Further Information:

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