The scholarship pays fees for one year of full time study and a contribution of £6,000 towards accommodation is also included. Students wishing to continue to the PhD programme would have to find the remaining fees and costs themselves.
How to apply
Applicants must hold an unconditional offer of a place of study at the School of education before they can be considered for this scholarship. To apply for this scholarship, please send a personal statement to Sue Gallagher at the address below, outlining why you think you should be considered and how their research will contribute to the UNESCO mission.
The award will be made each year, providing sufficient funds are in the Award Account and will be for one year's study fees plus £6,000 towards accommodation expenses.
The scholarship is open to applications from women aged between 22 and 35 years of age on 1st October in the year in which they take up the Scholarship. They must be a citizen of an African Commonwealth country or non-white residents of Southern Africa and have an unconditional offer of a place of study at the School of Education. Students already studying in the UK will not be eligible.
Closing date
31 March, annually.
Contact and further information
For further information, please contact :
Sue Gallagher
Centre for International Education and Research
School of Education, University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
Tel: +44 (0)121 414 3967