The Electors to the Robert Gardiner Memorial Scholarships invite applications for one or more Scholarships tenable from 1 October annually. It is possible that only a small number of Scholarships will be awarded. The academic standard required is high.The Scholarships are intended to assist or enable students of Irish universities to proceed to the University of Cambridge for the purpose of undergraduate or postgraduate study.
The Electors will give preference to applicants who are to study for a research degree, or who are applying for a Master's degree with a view to progressing to research at a later date. Students of any Irish university are eligible. Every Scholar, if not already a member of the University of Cambridge, will be required to become one before the end of the Michaelmas Term of the year of their election to a Scholarship unless given special permission by the Electors to defer his or her matriculation until a later term, and will be required to become a candidate for a Cambridge degree or to carry out approved research. No Scholar may systematically follow any business or profession or engage in any educational or other work, which in the opinion of the Electors would interfere in any way with his or her course of study. The Scholarships may not, without the permission of the Electors, be held with any other scholarship or studentship in the University, with any office or post in the University, or with any stipendiary College Fellowship. Students already studying at the University of Cambridge will not normally be funded.
The Scholarship will normally be for one year in the first instance but may be renewed for two further years subject to satisfactory progress. The value of the Scholarships will be determined by the Electors in the light of the Scholar's circumstances and the funds available. Scholars are paid quarterly in advance; the Electors may withhold payment if they are not satisfied with the diligence or progress of a Scholar. Applications must be made on forms obtainable from the Registrary (addressed to the Awards Clerk), The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TN. Candidates must also provide an official academic transcript from their University or Head of Department as appropriate. Completed forms must be returned by 20 June each year.
Download the application form
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
UK: Robert Gardiner Memorial Scholarships In The University Of Cambridge
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Merit Scholarship