Sunday, 6 June 2010

UK:Professor John Spraos Bursary 2010 At University College London

Founded in 2010 by a private donor to commemorate Professor Spraos and his work at UCL.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants for the Bursary must:

  • be a UK or EU resident;
  • hold an offer of admission to UCL to study a full-time Undergraduate degree within the Department of Economics (single or joint honours) for the 2010-2011 intake (commencing in September 2010).

Selection Criteria

The criterion for awarding the Bursary is financial need. No other considerations will be taken into account.

Value: Benefits and Duration

The successful recipient will be awarded £10,000 per annum for three years (subject to renewal and satisfactory academic progress). The payment of £10,000 per annum will be applied to tuition fees in the first instance, with any remainder being paid to the recipient in termly instalments for maintenance.

Application Deadline and Procedure

The deadline for applications is Monday 2 August 2010 at 4pm. Please return your completed application form to: Student Funding, G19, The Registry.

An application form for the Professor John Spraos Bursary can be downloaded here.

Selection and Notification of Results

The Bursary will be awarded by recommendation of a Panel comprised of members of both academic staff and Student Funding staff.

The successful candidate will be notified as soon as possible once a decision has been made.

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