Wednesday, 28 July 2010

The Sparrows Offshore Scholarship

The Sparrows Offshore Scholarship is open to second and third year students and offers two students £2,000 per year for each of the remaining years of the course, as well as paid summer placements.

Upon graduation, Sparrows also offers the option of attending a job interview and it is anticipated that successful completion of the scholarship and the award of a good degree would lead to an offer of employment.

Applicants must be engaged in full-time study at Robert Gordon University on one of the full-time BEng/MEng degree programmes listed below:

* Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)/ MEng
* Mechanical and Electrical Engineering BEng (Hons) / MEng
* Mechanical and Offshore Engineering BEng (Hons) / MEng

Application forms for the Scholarship can be downloaded below:

Completed application forms should be submitted to

The closing date for applications is 29 October 2010. All applications must be received by that date in order to be considered for the scholarship.

The selection process begins with students completing an application form. Short listed candidates will be invited for an interview at Sparrows Offshore Services.

Short listed candidates will be Sparrows Scholars must attain satisfactory academic and non-academic semester and summer placement reports; failure to do so could result in termination of the scholarship.

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