This award will support scholars in universities or research institutes in the Asia-Pacific Region to undertake short term research, including collaborative research, contributing to the understanding of bilateral and multilateral relations between Canada and the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region. The award will assist with direct costs related to the research project, and, when a research trip to Canada is warranted, will provide assistance towards international airfare and a weekly flat rate allowance for a period not exceeding five weeks.
Awards may be granted for:
- Research projects related to Canada and Asia-Pacific relations, either with the region as a whole, or any part thereof. Although we welcome applications from all disciplines lending themselves most readily to Canadian Studies we are particularly interested in projects that have policy relevance for Canada and Canada’s foreign policy. Topics that are highly relevant to Canada’s foreign policy include Democracy & Rule of Law, Economic Development and Prosperity, Environment, Managing Diversity, North American Partnership, Peace and Security.
- Interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary studies; or
- Comparative studies with substantial Canadian content (33% or more);
Priority may be given to projects, which relate Canada’s foreign policy; or contemporary situations and issues which illuminate options for future developments; or which focus on Canada’s bilateral relations.
(Purely scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry, medicine, engineering, etc. which would not lead to a better knowledge and understanding of Canada per se are not eligible, nor are proposals which focus exclusively on technological or methodological issues).
Awards will be available to scholars and researchers from all countries of the Asia-Pacific Region.
Applications are to be submitted by the designated principal researcher, with the official endorsement of his/her institution.
Applicants must:
- be full-time members of the academic staff of a recognized institution of higher education or equivalent degree-granting institution in the Asia-Pacific Region, or scholars at research and policy planning institutes who undertake significant Canadian bilateral and/or multilateral relations research projects;
- hold a degree equivalent to a Master's or better;
- have a working knowledge of either English or French.
In addition, while not mandatory, applicants should provide evidence of their interest in or involvement with Canada prior to the application. This may be demonstrated by courses they have already given, research they have undertaken, extra-mural activities, or membership in an Association for Canadian Studies in their region or country. Preference may also be given to projects that will involve more than one country.
Value of Awards
The Canada-Asia-Pacific Award will consist of a grant in the amount of up to CDN $10,000, based on the analysis of the proposed budget needed to do the research. More than one award may be offered annually. Successful candidates will not be able to make a new application until they demonstrate that they have fulfilled the terms and conditions of their previous award.
Terms and Conditions
The International Council for Canadian Studies through a contribution of the Government of Canada and with the assistance of the appropriate Canadian Mission, will award grants to successful candidates on condition that the candidate must give a written undertaking on his/her own behalf that:
- awards are granted for work to be carried out in either the country(ies) where the institutions are situated and/or in Canada, and are intended to assist in defraying only direct costs related to the project, including return air fare to Canada and related expenses, use of equipment (but not capital purchases), books and other materials, some secretarial services, research meetings, and, possibly, some publishing costs; no provision is made for released time stipends nor for overhead costs to the institution; contractual or Commissioned research (either on the part of the institution or the individual researchers) does not qualify for support;
- the research project team will normally consist of a minimum of three academics based in more than one institution or more than one department in the same institution (Please note that individual researchers may also apply);
- when the project includes a research trip to Canada, the principal researcher and/or the researcher(s) concerned will make all arrangements including: international travel; visa (if needed); accommodation and travel within Canada; medical insurance while in Canada: visit plans, including inter alia appointments with Canadian academics and other resources persons, access to libraries and other study centres, etc.;
- two copies of the manuscript, of publishable quality and the length of a normal scholarly monograph, produced as a result of the research award will be sent to the local Canadian Mission, along with a summary in English or French upon completion of the project, and no later than March 1st of the competition year. Failure to provide such a manuscript by that date may result in forfeiture of the final payment of the award. (One copy of the manuscript will be sent by the local Canadian Mission to the awards program administrators, the International Council for Canadian Studies, Ottawa, for possible transmission to the National Library of Canada; the other copy will be retained by the Canadian Mission
Note: While it is recognized that lengths of monographs vary and the deadline for its submission may be tight, the expectation is that the length of the monograph or constituent parts thereof (e.g. by individual members of the team) will reflect both the substantial nature of the grant and the work of all members of the team. Where it is not possible to forward the entire work by the deadline, at least a substantial part should be submitted, with an indication of what will follow to complete it. - the principal researcher and the research team will make every reasonable attempt to publish the results of their research on Canada, e.g. a book or a monograph; while not a condition of an award, sharing of the results in other for such as conferences and seminars is encouraged;
- the rights to the manuscript will remain the exclusive property of the researcher. When it is published the researcher will provide two copies of the article or book to the Canadian Mission, to be held as described above.
Application Procedure
With the official endorsement of his/her institution, and having constituted a research team, the designated principal researcher should submit an application to the local Canadian Mission in his/her home country, by the November 24 deadline. An application dossier, in either English or French, will consist of a completed application form and other documents as indicated therein.
Application forms can be obtained by printing or downloading the forms from the following links:
CAPA Application form: Adobe PDF Form format
CAPA Application form: Microsoft Word format
Selection and Notification
All applicant dossiers will undergo a preliminary evaluation at the Canadian Mission and will then be forwarded to the attention of the Selection Committee of the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) in Ottawa. This Committee includes Canadian academics and at least three academics from other countries; it meets once a year, in January.
The Committee will based its decision on the following criteria:
- academic excellence of the proposal;
- Canadian content
- relevance of the proposal in its contribution to Canadian Studies;
- feasibility of the research project;
- likelihood of publication upon completion;
After reviewing the applications, the International Council for Canadian Studies in Ottawa will forward its recommendtions to DFAIT, which will make the final decision.
All applicants will be notified in writing of the results of their application, normally within 90 days of the deadline for submission of applications.
Payment Procedure
Successful applicants will be sent a Grant Agreement detailing the value and conditions of the award. It must be signed and returned to the Canadian Mission within thirty (30) days.
A first installment of 70% of the award will be paid after receipt by the Canadian Mission of the signed Grant Agreement. The remaining 30% of the award will be paid on receipt by the Canadian Mission of a complete report of activities.