Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Cumbria Scholarships 2010/2011 Entry At University of Cumbria,UK

A Cumbria Scholarship is an award worth £1,000 per year which you may apply for if you are a prospective 1st year undergraduate student (ie, you are due to commence your course in September 2010*), are being charged the new variable fee, and can demonstrate significant achievement or potential in sport, community, creative arts, the environment or business enterprise and entrepreneurship. The scholarship is conditional upon your meeting both the general criteria and the specialist criteria outlined both on the application form and the Terms and Conditions document.

* We are sorry but current students are not eligible to apply.

Any scholarships awarded are in addition to any bursary support provided.

There are 35 scholarships available, 7 in each of the specialist areas. Once you have been successful in gaining a Cumbria Scholarship, you will receive it each year until the end of your course, as long as you remain on your course, meet course requirements and continue to meet the specific requirements of your scholarship.

Check if you meet the following general criteria, then check our specialist criteria using the Terms and Conditions document below.

You must meet all of these initial criteria:

- You are a UK student;

- You have applied through UCAS and confirmed the University of Cumbria as your firm choice

- You are joining a full-time undergraduate course (not nursing/health professions or PGCE) which has the £3,290 tuition fee

Now you must meet one of the following criteria:

- Your household has an income of less than £25,000 OR

- You come from a postcode area where involvement in Higher Education is generally low. You can check to see if you qualify by using our Postcode Checker. Please enter your home postcode in this box and click on Apply. OR

- You are of the first generation in your household to study a Higher Education course (including step-parents) OR

- You have a disability or learning difficulty and have declared this OR

- You are a care leaver

The qualifying criteria are described further in the Terms and Conditions document.

To apply for a scholarship, please download an application form along with the Terms and Conditions document.

Further Details:http://www.cumbria.ac.uk/FutureStudents/FeesandFinance/Scholarships/CumbriaScholarship.aspx

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