Sunday, 12 September 2010

USA:Richard Morris Hunt Fellowship Application 2010/2011

The Richard Morris Hunt Fellowship is an intensive six-month scholarship opportunity that provides practicing preservation architects a $25,000 stipend to pursue research related to American and French architectural heritage and historic preservation practices. The American Architectural Foundation and the French Heritage Society established the Hunt Fellowship in 1990 to foster cross-cultural exchanges between the United States and France. It supports American Fellows studying in France and French Fellows studying in the U.S. during alternating years. For the 2011 Fellowship, the Hunt Jury will consider applications of individuals to study in France.


Applicants for the Hunt Fellowship should submit a cover letter, curriculum vita, portfolio, and the names of three references to the American Architectural Foundation by September 30, 2010:

Richard Morris Hunt Fellowship 2011
c/o Elizabeth Blazevich / AAF
1799 New York Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20006
In your cover letter, please identify:
How your academic background and work experience prepared you to undertake this activity. How you intend to structure your study to maximize professional/personal development and to achieve your research goals. How you hope to apply this international experience to your professional career.

Review Of Applications:

The Hunt Jury will consider innovative and creative application proposals that meet the intent of the Fellowship. In October 2010, select applicants will be invited to interview with the Hunt Jury in Washington, DC, on November 11, 2010.

Deadline: 30September2010


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