Sunday, 31 October 2010

Postdoctoral Research Grant in Activity Recognition and Object Tracking,Portugal

A research grant of type BPD is now open in the framework of project ARGUS – Activity Recognition and Object Tracking Based on Multiple Models, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), under the following conditions:

1. Activity duration:
1 year starting from January 1, 2011, under an exclusivity contract according to the FCT “Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources” and Instituto Superiopr Tecnico (IST) grant regulations.

2. Objectives and summary:
The objectives of the work consist in the development of models and algorithms for recognition of human activities in video signals, using multiple motion fields and Bayesian estimation methods.

3. Scientific supervision:
This work will be done at ISR-IST, Lisbon, under the supervision of prof. Jorge S. Marques, researcher at ISR.

4. Qualifications and required educational level:
The required educational level complies with the specified by FCT for post-doctoral grants. The applicant should have a doctoral degree, preferably within the last 5 years, in the areas of Electrical
Engineering, Mathematics or similar with significant research work and publications in computer vision and statistical models.

5. Evaluation criteria:
Selection and ranking will be made according to the following criteria: 1) Ph.D. degree in Computer Vision or Statistical Modeling of Images (25%); 2) publication record in top computer vision journals (25%); 3) publication record in top scientific conferences (25%); 4) global evaluation by the jury (25%). Candidates must fulfil the conditions to start the grant, in particular non-nationals must have a
residence authorization at the time of proposal submission.

6. Salary:
According to the values stipulated by FCT “Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources”.

7. Documents:
Detailed curriculum vitae including degrees and list of scientific publications; motivation letter and copy of academic certificates.

8. Application dates: Applications should be sent by email from October 15 till November 15, 2010.

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