Thursday, 14 October 2010

Singapore:Nanyang DSO Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Nanyang Technological University (NTU) invites outstanding researchers with a PhD degree in science and technology to apply for the prestigious NDPD awards.

Key Features

The NDPD scheme provides selected young and promising scientists to conduct and lead research that is relevant to defence in Singapore/NTU. It offers:

•a 2-year research grant
•attractive and competitive remuneration
•possible consideration for tenure-track academic appointment with NTU at the end of
the NDPD scheme

The NDPD-RF may conduct research at Temasek Laboratories or other research entity at NTU.

The research areas for NDPD 2010 are provided below:

•Cognitive Science
•Cyber Security
•Microsystems Technologies
•Computational Photography

Fellows may lead and conduct research and publish in the above areas are encouraged to apply. Other fundamental areas of science or technology, where a breakthrough would be of interest to defence and security, will also be considered. Other fundamental areas of science or technology, where a breakthrough would be of interest to defence and security, will also be considered.


Outstanding young scientists and researchers with a Ph.D degree in the relevant discipline of science or technology from a reputable university, are eligible to apply for the NDPD.

Research project proposals which are already funded by other agencies or being considered for funding by other agencies are not eligible for funding under the NDPD Scheme. The NDPD-RF shall not apply for other funding support, unless approval has been given by the NDPD funding agency.

Application Period

The NDPD grant call will be opened from 11 Oct 2010 to 11 Jan 2011.

Application Procedures

Please complete all forms in this package and provide the required documents as listed below (in the relevant order). Applications (both hardcopy and softcopies) must be received by 11 Jan 2011. (Application Form Template).

Hardcopy submissions are to be sent to:

Research Support Office, Nanyang Technological University
76 Nanyang Drive, Block N2.1, N2.1-B4-01
Singapore 637331
c/o Ms Joanne Liang
(RE: Nanyang-DSO Post-doctoral Fellowship 2010)

Softcopy submissions are to be sent to:
Attn: Ms. Joanne Liang

All documents must be provided in English and all certificates must be duly certified:

Applicants will be shortlisted by a NDPD Review Panel. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to Singapore in Apr/May 11 to present their research plans, meet local researchers and identify potential collaborators. Shortlisted applicants from outside Singapore will receive an allowance to cover travel and accommodation expenses.

General enquiries
Please contact us at:

Tel: 65-65148358
Fax:: 65-67912397


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