The IDB Merit Scholarship Programme (MSP) is only for scholars from the member countries who are attached to their educational, scientific and technological institutions and research centres in their countries and are actively working in the scientific and technological development of their countries. However, a very small percentage is also allocated for Muslim communities in non-Member Countries. The IDB MSP awards scholarships to promising and renowned scholars as nominated and sponsored by their institutions and considered suitable and appropriate by the Offices of the IDB Governors of their countries in terms of the developmental and scientific needs of their countries. . Applicants for the IDB Merit Scholarship Programme should: Be upto (i) 35 years of age for Ph.D study and (ii) 40 years of age for Post-Doctoral research; Have the required academic background in the related field of science/technology listed under the Programme; Have above average ("Very Good") academic standing; Have work and/or research experience of not less than two (2) years for Ph.D study or five (5) years for Post-Doctoral research in the related field. Have a record of publications/research in the same field. Have a proposed field of study and/or research in one of the fields listed under the approved fields of study with its scientific and development relevance to the country being clearly demonstrated in a research proposal endorsed by the nominating institution. Applicants for post-doctoral research who have had a Post-Doctoral experience outside their countries within the past two years are not eligible.
The scholarship covers all academic, institutional and living expenses including medical coverage and return air tickets. The Ph.D Scholars are additionally paid family allowances for spouse and up to 2 children.
A. Candidates
Candidates granted the scholarship are expected to:
sign the Surety Bond prepared by the IDB stating their commitments to their studies, return to their countries upon completion of their studies and continuing work and services to science, technology and development of their countries thereafter for at least twice the period of their studies under the IDB Merit Scholarship Programme;
devote themselves to their studies on a full-time basis without interruption and provide the IDB with reports on their academic studies and activities on a regular basis;
seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under the IDB Merit Scholarship Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfilment of their other obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IDB;
respect the laws of the country of study and maintain good personal and professional conduct consistent with the rules, regulations and objectives of the IDB Merit Scholarship Programme and the overall mission of the IDB as an Islamic institution.
B. Nominating Institutions
As a partner with the IDB, the institutions nominating candidates for the IDB Merit Scholarship Programme are expected to:
nominate appropriate candidates, assist the nominated candidates with all aspects of documentation preparation and securing the necessary endorsement from the Office of the IDB Governor for the country;
assist the selected candidates in preparation of departure for study and allow them study-leave for the duration of the study;
help returning candidates to be resettled and support them with necessary research scope and facilities.
C. Offices of the IDB Governors/CPOs
As the channel of announcement and application for the Programme, the Offices of the IDB Governors / CPOs are expected to:
announce the Programme as widely as possible among the scientific and research communities in the country;
disseminate information and Application Forms to relevant scientific and research institutions and scholars in the country;
screen and pre-process applications to ensure eligibility and complete and proper documentation;
pre-select and submit to the IDB only those who are most qualified and in the proposed fields of study most needed for the development of the country.
Deadline 22 November 2010
Further Details:www.isdb.org
Thursday, 11 November 2010
IDB Merit Scholarship for PhD and Post Doctoral Research offered by Islamic Development Bank
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Merit Scholarship
PhD Scholarship,
Postdoctoral Scholarship