Sunday, 29 May 2011

Scholarship for Nigerian Students 2011/2012 at Newcastle University

he International Office is delighted to announce 2 Newcastle University Nigeria Scholarship (NU Nigeria Scholarship) awards. These are available for high achieving Nigerian students applying for entry onto postgraduate taught degree or research programmes within the Faculties of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences (HASS), Science, Agriculture and Engineering (SAgE), and Medical Sciences (FMS) commencing their studies in September 2011.  Each scholarship will have a value of £3,000, payable towards the first year of tuition fees.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Scholarships: The stepping stone to a good education

Education has become very expensive and it is very difficult for you to take care of your education all by yourself. If you are a good student, then you stand the chance of getting scholarships. However, in some cases it may become very difficult for you to rely on scholarship money. It may also happen that not the full amount needed for our education has been provided for the scholarship. In such cases you may consider taking out short term loans. These can be repaid back if you can get into a part time job while you are working. You can then take out the loan and repay it back before completing your studies. However, the importance of scholarships in your life as a student is very essential and may be the stepping stone to a bright future.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Europe:Erasmus Mundus (AgTraIn) Scholarship

Agricultural Transformation by Innovation (AgTraIn) is a three-year world-class Joint Doctoral Programme (180 ECTS). AgTraIn is part of the Erasmus Mundus programme initiated by the European Commission to enhance and promote European higher education throughout the world. The language of the programme is English. AgTraIn has a policy of equal opportunities for men and women and people with special needs.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

USA:The Raymond Davis Scholarship

This scholarship is granted to an imaging science or engineering student(s) for use in continuing his/her studies at the graduate or under-graduate level. The scholarship is given for academic study or research in the theory or practice of imaging science.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

UK:Keele University International Undergraduate Scholarship 2011

The Keele International Student Scholarship for undergraduate students is worth GBP2000 towards the cost of your annual tuition fees for the duration of your course. Students studying a three-year degree could therefore save GBP6000 from the total cost of your degree studies. 

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