The U.S. portion of The Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Program is funded exclusively by donations from individuals and private-sector corporations and foundations. A board of trustees including, among others, Henry Kissinger, Washington Post executive editor Marcus Brauchli, German Marshall Fund president Craig Kennedy and Foreign Affairs editor James Hoge, oversees fundraising and other program activities. Costs for the German participants are paid for by grants from German corporations, government agencies and international foundations.
One German and one American current or former fellow are selected each year for a journalism prize in the amount of €2,000 for the best published print or broadcast segment. Additionally, the George Kennan Award for best commentary on transatlantic relations is awarded annually in the amount of €2,000.
Report in Germany or the United States on this journalism exchange program
This nine-week program is conducted in two phases:
Phase I:
Orientation Session in Washington, D.C.
Before individual fellowships begin, U.S. and German participants are invited to a one-week orientation in Washington, D.C., during the last week of July. Fellows attend meetings with prominent media and government representatives, discuss professional issues and visit places of interest in the U.S. capital. In addition to giving fellows a thorough understanding of the Burns Fellowship Program, the orientation fosters a spirit of community among the participants.
Phase II:
Individual Fellowships in Germany and the United States
Following the joint orientation in Washington, US fellows participate in intensive, two-week-long language training at Goethe Institutes at fellows’ host cities. Expenses for language training will be covered and details are made available shortly after announcement of selected fellows (end of April).
In August and September, fellows work as part-time staff members at host newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations. In addition to covering local news, fellows report on events for their employers back home, while learning more about their host country and its media. For broadcast journalists, the fellowship does not guarantee the availability of technical crews and equipment; fellows are encouraged to make private arrangements whenever possible. In most cases, participants also have the opportunity for work-related travel. Individuals may prolong their stay overseas.
Host news organizations are chosen by IJP with assistance in the United States from ICFJ. Host organizations are selected on the basis of compatibility with a fellow’s professional interests.
This competitive program is open to U.S. and German journalists between the age of 21-37, who are employed by a newspaper, news magazine, broadcast station or news agency, and to freelancers. Applicants must have demonstrated journalistic talent and a strong interest in U.S.-European affairs. German language proficiency is not required, but it is encouraged. The application deadline for American journalists is March 1.
Participant Responsibilities
Each participant is required to sign the “Agreement to Program Conditions” indicating that he/she understands and will comply with the general conditions of the program. At the conclusion of the fellowship, each participant is required to prepare a summary report and provide recommendations for future programs. Excerpts of these reports are published in the program newsletter, which is sent to program alumni, sponsors and friends.
Program Expenses
Each U.S. Fellow receives a $4,500 stipend to cover living expenses during the 9-week-long fellowship in Germany. Participants also receive $1,000 for travel expenses (or travel vouchers for transatlantic flights), and the program also pays living expenses during the orientation in Washington, D.C.
2011 Application Deadlines
German Applicants: February 1, 2011