Postdoctoral fellow in biophysics at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, starting in September 2010, according to mutual agreement. The position can be held for a maximum of 2 years.
Subject Areas
We are interested in how proteins fold, how they interact with ligands and how these two reactions influence each other. In particular, we are looking at mechanistic aspects of proteins that fold into a well defined three-dimensional structure only in the presence of their ligands, intrinsically disordered proteins. In this project we look at these proteins with various biophysical methods, such as stopped-flow and temperature-jump spectroscopy, and also with single molecule spectroscopy in collaboration with groups in the US and UK
Nature of duties
We look for a postdoc with experience in molecular cloning, mutagenesis, expression of proteins in E. coli and purification of proteins. The work involves studies on protein folding and protein-ligand interactions and the selected candidate should therefore have solid theoretical and practical knowledge in thermodynamics and kinetics. Further, experience in organic chemistry and protein NMR or X-ray crystallography will be considered important. The project involves several collaborations with other groups and interpersonal skills are therefore essential
Qualifications required
To be eligible for a position as postdoctoral researcher the applicant’s Ph.D. degree must have been obtained no more than three years prior to the application date; however, for example periods of sick leave or parental leave are deducted from the three-year period.
Criteria for ranking
In ranking qualified applicants, scientific excellence will be considered particularly important.
In filling this position, the university aims to recruit the person who, in a combined evaluation of competence, skills and documented qualifications, is judged most suitable to carry out and develop the work-in-hand and to contribute to a positive development of the Department and research program. Personal circumstances that may be of positive relevance to evaluating the application, for example parental leave, should be mentioned in the list of qualifications (CV).
Application Deadline:16August 2010