Friday, 20 August 2010

The IBM Center for Advanced Studies in Portugal (IBM CAS – Portugal) Funding At Doctoral And Postdoctoral Level

In accordance with the Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources (, the IBM Center for Advanced Studies in Portugal (IBM CAS – Portugal) opens a call for funding of individual grants of the following type:

Doctoral Grants (BD)
Post-Doctoral Grants (BPD)

These are one-year grants, renewable for up to total of three consecutive years, as long as interim evaluations are positive. The grants cannot be awarded for periods of less than one uninterrupted year.

Period of the Call

The call will be open from July 1st to September 30th and will include two evaluation cycles. The fist cycle will evaluate all applications sealed before 6pm on August 31st, 2010. The second cycle will evaluate all applications sealed before 6pm on September 30th, 2010.


The individual applications must be submitted in English using the Application Form available at the website, and sent to
Approved grants may start not before September 20th 2010.


The evaluation takes into account the merits of the candidate, and his/her motivation to work in the pre-selected project. Until September 15th (October 15th, for 2nd cycle) the evaluation panel will produce an ordered list of candidates. Pre-selected candidates may have to undergo an interview.


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