Applicants must demonstrate significant achievement to date and potential to further excel in either
1. a sporting code, or
2. a performing or creative art, and
3. leadership qualities
What is the Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship?
NZ "icon" Sir Edmund Hillary agreed in 2004 that new scholarships can be named after him.
The Sir Edmund Hillary scholarships are available to students who are academic high achievers and who also excel at either arts or sports.
The University determines the maximum number of scholarships available annually. For example, in 2007, approximately 40 Scholarships were offered.
The scholarship may be awarded to international students who display exceptional talent. For international students, the scholarship will cover the equivalent of the recipient’s tuition fees at domestic rates. It will be the responsibility of the student to pay the balance of their fees.
To remain in the programme, scholars will be expected to maintain a B grade pass average or better each year and meet a range of other requirements.
How to Apply?
Applications must be received by the University of Waikato Scholarships Office on the prescribed form by 31 October in the year preceding the intended year of study.
Applications must be accompanied by a portfolio. For further info on the application process check the Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship programme regulations for 2008.
Please contact the University of Waikato Scholarships Office at: scholarships@waikato.ac.nz if you have more questions.