Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Cumbria Scholarships 2010/2011 Entry At University of Cumbria,UK

A Cumbria Scholarship is an award worth £1,000 per year which you may apply for if you are a prospective 1st year undergraduate student (ie, you are due to commence your course in September 2010*), are being charged the new variable fee, and can demonstrate significant achievement or potential in sport, community, creative arts, the environment or business enterprise and entrepreneurship. The scholarship is conditional upon your meeting both the general criteria and the specialist criteria outlined both on the application form and the Terms and Conditions document.

* We are sorry but current students are not eligible to apply.

Any scholarships awarded are in addition to any bursary support provided.

There are 35 scholarships available, 7 in each of the specialist areas. Once you have been successful in gaining a Cumbria Scholarship, you will receive it each year until the end of your course, as long as you remain on your course, meet course requirements and continue to meet the specific requirements of your scholarship.

Check if you meet the following general criteria, then check our specialist criteria using the Terms and Conditions document below.

You must meet all of these initial criteria:

- You are a UK student;

- You have applied through UCAS and confirmed the University of Cumbria as your firm choice

- You are joining a full-time undergraduate course (not nursing/health professions or PGCE) which has the £3,290 tuition fee

Now you must meet one of the following criteria:

- Your household has an income of less than £25,000 OR

- You come from a postcode area where involvement in Higher Education is generally low. You can check to see if you qualify by using our Postcode Checker. Please enter your home postcode in this box and click on Apply. OR

- You are of the first generation in your household to study a Higher Education course (including step-parents) OR

- You have a disability or learning difficulty and have declared this OR

- You are a care leaver

The qualifying criteria are described further in the Terms and Conditions document.

To apply for a scholarship, please download an application form along with the Terms and Conditions document.

Further Details:http://www.cumbria.ac.uk/FutureStudents/FeesandFinance/Scholarships/CumbriaScholarship.aspx

Monday, 30 August 2010

UK:Mrs Emily O Akinluyi Scholarship At University of Sussex

The University of Sussex is delighted to be able to offer, through the generosity of one of our graduates, the Mrs Emily O Akinluyi Scholarship available to students in the Schools of Business, Management and Economics, Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering and Design. The Scholarship is worth £5000 over 3 or 4 years (depending on length of course) and does not have to be repaid.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Only Female Undergraduate UK students entering their first year at Sussex University are eligible to apply
  • The applicant must be intending to study in the School of Business, Management and Economics, the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences or the School of Engineering and Design.
  • Your family income must be verified by the Student Loans Company as being under £30,000 per year.
  • The Scholarship is awarded on the basis of personal circumstances of disadvantage and community involvement.

Application Procedure

You must complete the Emily O Akinluyi Scholarship Form [DOC 661KB] or Emily O Akinluyi Scholarship Form [PDF 139KB]

The closing date for applications to be received is the 30th September 2010. Applications received after the 30th September cannot be considered.

When completed you should return the form by email or post to:

The Student Funding Office
Sussex House
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton
Tel: 01273 877307
Email: scholarships@sussex.ac.uk


30th September: Deadline for all applications to be received
30th November: Notification by email to successful and non-successful applicants.
1st December: First payment made to students bank account
1st February: Second payment made to students bank account
1st May: Third payment made to students bank account


How many Scholarships are there?
There is only one Scholarship given each year.

I am an overseas student, am I eligible to apply?
No, only UK students are eligible to apply.

I am already receiving the Sussex Bursary and/or the Chancellors Scholarship. Can I still apply for the Emily O Akinluyi Scholarship?
Yes, you can, we anticipate that the student who is awarded the Emily O Akinluyi scholarship may already be receiving the Sussex Bursary and/or the Chancellors Scholarship.

If I am offered a Scholarship but defer my place at Sussex, can the scholarship be carried over to the next year?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to carry over a scholarship to another year. You would need to submit a new application for the year in which you wish to enter Sussex.

The University of Sussex is in my 5 University choices but is not my first choice. Should I still apply and will this affect my application?
We would still advise you to apply for the Scholarship so that all your bases are covered. If you later decided to come to Sussex University and if your application was successful, the funding will be here in place waiting for you. If you chose not to come to Sussex University your application would obviously not be processed.

Other Useful Links

Directgov website.

UK:Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust Bursaries For Undergraduate Students

The Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust are offering bursaries to undergraduate students following first degree courses in any subject.

Who Can Apply?

Students who are in financial need, are resident in the UK and have an immediate family member who is / was a commercial traveller, chemist or grocer.

How Much?

The maximum value is £3,000 per annum.

What For?

Funds are intended for those in financial hardship requiring tuition and examination fees, travel costs, study materials and accommodation.

How Do I Apply?

For further information and to download the application forms visit the Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust website

Students will need to arrange for the two forms to be signed and dated before returning them to the:

Student Funding Team
Sussex House
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton

The University will sign the application form and send both forms to the Trust.

Applications must reach the Trust by the closing dates of 1st November or 1st March.

UK:James Henry Green History of Art PhD scholarship At University of Sussex

The James Henry Green PhD scholarship is available to students wishing to pursue doctoral research within the History of Art department at the University of Sussex. The three-year scholarship covers University tuition fees* and an annual book award of 1000 pounds.

The scholarship is offered by the James Henry Green Charitable Trust through the James Green Centre for World Art at Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton. The purpose of the award is to build and share knowledge about the Museum's rich holdings of material and visual culture from Africa, Asia, the Pacific and Americas. For this reason the main requirement of the award is that the proposed doctoral research project considers some aspect of the World Art collection. Other requirements include a yearly report and, at some point during the scholarship, a public outcome for staff and visitors to Brighton Museum (for example a talk, display or web article about the research project).

The World Art collection

The James Green Centre for World Art is responsible for the care and development of a Designated** collection of over 12,000 objects and images from Africa, Asia, the Pacific and Americas. The collection encompasses objects in a wide range of media and represents many different geographies and time periods; from Peruvian archaeological textiles to late 20th-century barbers' signboards from Kenya. Many items in the collection were sold or donated by people associated with Britain's former colonies and so these areas are particularly well represented. West Africa and South and South East Asia, for example, are areas of strength but the collection also includes important and rare material from southern Africa, China, North America and the Pacific.

Possible approaches

While the Centre welcomes research proposals which take a traditional object-based approach to the collection, it would also like to encourage work which situates the material in wider contexts. This might include research which addresses:

  • the complex networks of dealers, salerooms and collectors, which, particularly in the late 19th century, enabled museums such as that at Brighton to accumulate collections of 'non-western' material
  • changing modes for the display and interpretation of 'non-western' material culture
  • the role of particular individuals in forming collections and displays
  • the role of source communities in forming collections: both historically and looking to the future
  • the role of historic collections in the context of contemporary cultural politics
  • how collections material functioned in its 'original' context(s), for example items made for courtly or religious use
  • issues of post-colonialism
  • issues around gender or class and collecting


Applicants should hold, or expect to obtain, a masters degree in a subject relevant to the studentship.


There is currently one scholarship available for a part-time student. The scholarships become available again once the existing scholars complete their studies.

Application Process

Please submit:

  • A CV detailing your academic history and work experience relevant to the studentship. Please note that experience working in a museum or an historic house is not necessary to be considered for the studentship.
  • A 500-word statement, headed by the title of the project and the studentship for which you are applying, that describes:
    - How you have formulated your research project and how you see it developing in the context of the project
    - Your preparation and experience.
  • Two academic references, to be sent directly to the University.

All documentation should be addressed to: Postgraduate Convenor, Art History Department, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RH.


The deadline for receipt of applications is 1st September in the year you will commence your studies. For example, a student starting their course in October 2010 will need to have submitted their application by 1st September 2010.

Selection Process

Interviews will be held in September.

Further information

For further information please contact Professor Maurice Howard (Professor of History of Art). Tel: +44 1273 606755 ext. 2218
Email: M.Howard@sussex.ac.uk

The Keeper and Curator of World Art are happy to facilitate access to collections and collections information for those individuals looking to develop a research proposal.

Helen Mears, Keeper of World Art Tel: 01273 292863 Email: helen.mears@brighton-hove.gov.uk

*International students are welcome to apply for the scholarship but we regret that we can only pay the equivalent of 'home' student tuition fees.

** The Designation scheme was launched in 1997 by Resource (now the Museum, Libraries & Archives Council) to identify and celebrate the pre-eminent collections of national and international importance held in England's non-national museums.

UK:ESRC Studentships 2011 At University of Sussex

The deadline for ESRC applications (2010 entry) for quota and competition awards (with the exception of Economics) to the University of Sussex was Friday 26 February.

Over 2010, the ESRC are implementing a new postgraduate strategy and changing the way they organise postgraduate training and the allocation of studentships across all universities. From 2011, ESRC-funded postgraduate training in the social sciences will be delivered through a new network of Doctoral Training Centres (DTCs) and Doctoral Training Units (DTUs). The DTC and DTU network will seek to draw together expertise and good practice from within institutions and aims to ensure that this is fully exploited through the development of collaborative arrangements between Universities.

Sussex has more than 400 registered doctoral students undertaking social science research, many of whom work with a supervisory team which crosses departments or Schools. This makes us a significant focus for doctoral training, and interdisciplinary training in particular, in ESRC recognised areas in the UK.

More information on ESRC-funded opportunities at Sussex will be available on this page in early September 2010.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Doctoral School:

T: Julie Carr, Doctoral School Coordinator, 01273 877767
E: doctoralschool@sussex.ac.uk

Sunday, 29 August 2010

USA:University of Florida International Center (UFIC) International Student Emergency Hardship Scholarship

The UFIC has established a scholarship for international students experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties that are beyond their control. Each award will be valued at $2,500 (before taxes) and given 6 times per year: 3 in the spring and 3 in the fall, for a period of 5 years.

Criteria of the scholarship:

  1. Priority will be given to students who have been at UF 1 year
  2. Priority will be given to students who have no other source of income such as, graduate assistantships (GA,TA,RA), fellowships, achievement award or other scholarships.
  3. Priority will be given to graduate students; graduate students who previously had funding and lost it due to funding cuts or grant non-renewal will be considered.
  4. Students will only be eligible to receive the scholarship one time.
  5. Students must be International and in good legal immigration status.

Required documentation to apply:

Student must provide a statement detailing the extenuating circumstances which caused the emergency/hardship and include the following:

  1. Emergency Hardship Scholarship Application Form
  2. Show that it was extenuating and unforeseen circumstances that were beyond your control.
  3. Provide information in the statement of the financial need
  4. List income and expenses
  5. Show you have a job or proof that you have searched for a job and were unable to get employment due to unavailability/insufficiency of jobs on campus
  6. Provide documentation to support your statement ( Ex: parent lost job or retired and income decreased; bank cancelled student loan, etc)
  7. If you lost funding through loss of assistantship or other external funds (grant), provide a letter documenting this from your department.

The statement, along with documentation, must be turned in at UFIC by the first Monday following commencement each fall and spring semester. No late applications will be accepted. The applications will be reviewed by a committee of UF staff and faculty. Notification to awardees will be sent one week after the committee has made their decision.


Saturday, 28 August 2010

IMD MBA Future Leaders Scholarships In Switzerland For All Countries

Number of scholarships Three
Amount CHF 30,000
Geographical region Worldwide

Who can qualify

Accepted candidates who demonstrate exceptionally strong leadership potential


Submitting an essay on:
'Leadership in an era of Globalization'
Include in your essay the criteria that you would use to select a future global leader, and why
(maximum 750 words)
essay template
Need based No

Winners of the essay competition are selected by a jury of distinguished leaders from businesses around the world:

- Martha Maznevski, MBA Program Director, IMD
- Hans-Paul Bürkner, CEO, BCG
- Sandy Ogg, Chief HR, Unilever
- Soren Skou, Partner, A.P. Moller Maersk A/S


September 30

Contact Scholarship essays, or questions, should be sent to mbafinance@imd.ch
IMD MBA scholarship conditions

Applicants must have been accepted into the IMD MBA program prior to their application.

Our scholarship applications are essay based, with winning essays typically including the following features:

* Relevance to the essay title
* Organization and structure
* Fully developed arguments
* Persuasiveness
* Personal element and/or passion

IMD reserves the right not to award a scholarship if the criteria are not met to the satisfaction of the jury / sponsors.


Friday, 27 August 2010

European Leadership Scholarships

To help future leaders in Europe realise their potential by attending the Cranfield MBA programme, we are offering a number of European Leadership Scholarships to applicants from the EU, Norway and Switzerland.

Programme: Full-time or Executive MBA

Value: up to £14,000 towards the tuition fees

Number of awards: up to 6

Scholarship details: These awards are open to self-funded candidates who are nationals from one of the EU countries, Norway or Switzerland. Other nationalities resident in these countries and candidates being sponsored by their organisations will not be eligible.

Early application is advised. The selection criteria for the scholarships will be based on the strength of the application, the interviewers report and in particular, the leadership potential of each candidate.


UK:The Leo Murray Scholarship

The Leo Murray scholarship was set up in honour of Professor Leo Murray who retired as Director of the School of Management in 2003.

Programme: Full-time MBA

Value: up to £14,000 towards the tuition fees

Number of awards: 1

Scholarship details: The award will be granted to a candidate who has achieved significant academic and career success to date, and who can demonstrate both individual strengths and entrepreneurial spirit.


Thursday, 26 August 2010

USA:National Security Education Program (NSEP) David L. Boren Graduate Fellowship

Boren Fellowships provide American graduate students, both at the master’s and the doctoral level, with the resources and encouragement they need to acquire skills and experiences in areas of the world critical to the future security of our nation, in exchange for their commitment to seek work in the federal government.
A U.S. citizen at the time of application.
Either enrolled in or applying to a graduate degree program at an accredited U.S. college or university located within the United States. To receive the award you must provide evidence of admission and enrollment in such a program. Boren Fellows must remain enrolled in their graduate programs for the duration of the fellowship.
Award Details
Boren Fellowships provide support for overseas or domestic study, or a combination of both. The maximum level of support for a combined overseas and domestic program is $30,000 over 24 months.
Visit the Boren Scholarships website for more information.
Deadline:February 1, 2011

USA:Diversity Abroad / GlobaLinks Learning Abroad Scholarship 2010

Diversity Abroad is pleased to announce the launch of a new scholarship aimed atincreasing non-traditional students participation in education abroad in the Asia/Pacificregion. Diversity Abroad, in partnership with GlobaLinks Learning Abroad and TheFoundation for Asia Pacific Education will offer scholarships for undergraduatestudents to study abroad in the Asia/Pacific region during summer, fall and spring terms.
Enrolled in a North American college or university
US or Canadian citizen
Studying abroad in the Asia/Pacific region during the summer, fall or spring term
In addition to these general requirements, applicants must also meet ONE of the following requirements:
Ethnic Background must be one or more of the following: American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Hispanic, Chicana/o, Mexican American, Latina/o; Black or African American, not of Hispanic origin; Middle Eastern.
Students from a low income families (family income less than $50,000 USD)
Students with a disability
1st generation college students
Applicants must also prepare a video application which meets the requirements of Diversity abroad for their evaluation and award determination.
Award Details
Diversity Abroad / GlobaLinks Learning Abroad Scholarship amounts are in increments of $1,000.
Visit the Asia Pacific Foundation website for more information.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

USA:Ford / UNCF Corporate Scholars Program 2010-2011

Scholarship Value:
up to $ 5000
College Junior
Minimum GPA:
Eligible Majors:
Accounting, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Finance, Information Systems, Marketing, Mechanical Engineering, Operations Management
Eligible Schools:
Open for 4 Year Colleges Only
Eligible Locations:
Application Deadline :
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
How to Apply :
Apply Online
Scholarship Detail:
The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) and the Ford Motor Company have partnered to provide selected African American college students a unique educational opportunity through scholarships and networking opportunities with Ford. Applicants should be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. In addition to the online application, applicants must provide an unofficial transcript, an essay detailing his/her personal and professional goals, a letter of recommendation from a faculty member and a resume. All documents are uploadable to the application. The deadline for electronic submission of applications is September 15,2010. Students who have participated in Ford Motor Company's Partnership for Advanced Studies program (Ford PAS) are encouraged to apply for this opportunity.
Donor/Sponsor Name:
Ford Motor Company
Donor/Sponsor URL:


Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Erasmus Mundus:The joint International Master in Rural Development (IMRD)

The joint International Master in Rural Development (IMRD), part of the European Erasmus Mundus program, offers the opportunity to study the European vision on rural development in its diversity of approaches and applications, on a scholarship provided by the European Union (as of 2010-2011 also for European students).

The objective is to train specialists in integrated rural development, focussed on socio-economic and institutional aspects, not only from the European Union but also from developed, developing and transition countries outside the European Union through a 2 year master program (120 ECTS) jointly organised by seven European leading institutes in agricultural economics and rural development.

The Master program is offered by Ghent University (Belgium), Agrocampus Ouest (France), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), the University of Cordoba (Spain), in collaboration with Wageningen University (The Netherlands), the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) and the University of Pisa (Italy). As of 2010-2011 these will be joined by universities in China, Ecuador, India and South Africa.

The methodology consists of a combination of basic and specialised training in technical, economic and social sciences, a case study of one month, an individual master thesis and a high extent of student and scholar mobility.


The deadline for applying for Academic year 2011-2013 (IMRD Program 2011-2013) is December 31, 2010.

Admission Criteria

Are you likely to be admitted to IMRD? What are your chances? Test yourself! Click here

The International MSc in Rural Development offers admission to applicants who appear to have the highest potential for graduate study and who, with the benefit of a graduate education, are the most likely to contribute substantially to their academic or professional fields through teaching, research, or professional practice.

The minimum graduate admission requirements are:

1. Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years with good overall scores (at least a second class or equivalent, preferably higher) from a university or recognized equivalent. Candidates are expected to have basic science training (demonstrable in the transcripts) in the following fields: (1) mathematics and/or statistics, (2) agronomy and/or biology and/or environmental sciences and (3) social sciences and/or rural development. Candidates who cannot present a combined training of these fields will be evaluated on their aptitude, based on experience and knowledge of these fields, as demonstrated by CV or other evidence.
2. Sufficient language knowledge proven by language certificates. The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. With the exception of those who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) issued by an institution officially recognized by the Flemish Government, applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English. See the language section on the left.

Applicants generally have a Bachelor's degree or a recognized equivalent academic degree of minimum 3 years study in bioscience engineering or agricultural sciences (preferably agricultural economics), in combination with knowledge in environmental sciences, economics, sociology and rural development studies.

Admission decisions are based on a combination of factors, including academic degrees and records, the statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, test scores, language skills and relevant work experience, if any. We also consider the appropriateness of your goals to the IMRD programme. In addition, consideration may be given to how your background and life experience would contribute significantly to an educationally beneficial mix of students.

Application procedure

Are you likely to be admitted to IMRD? What are your chances? Test yourself! Click here


The first step of the application procedure is an on-line registration and application form. Register in the IMRD database, complete the application form and submit it to the central IMRD secretariat electronically. Make sure you fill in at least all the obligatory fields, add as much additional information as possible and load electronic copies of your documents.

The second step is a hard copy application file, composed of the printed application form and all requested documents (secondary school leaving certificate, higher education diploma(s), including all transcripts of records, language certificate(s), curriculum vita, passport pictures, copy of passport, recommendation letters) by regular or express mail to the IMRD secretariat before the deadline. Download the recommendation letter/reference letter here: Word document or PDF document.

Please consult the FAQ! for more detailed information on the application procedure

IMPORTANT NOTE: because of the high number of applications, the IMRD management board is obliged to only consider those applications that are complete and contain all documents, translated if necessary. If your file is not complete, you will not be requested to add documents, but your application will not be considered for selection for admission and/or scholarship.

Specific note for Chinese students

From the academic year 2007-2008 onwards all students from the P.R. China will have to obtain a certificate of academic screening issued by the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS) of the German Embassy in Beijing before being allowed to enrol at any higher education institution, language course or other preparatory course in Flanders. The APS certificate is also required for obtaining a student visa to Belgium. The APS certificate needs to be sent with the application in order for the application to be considered.

Students planning to study in Flanders are advised to contact the Academic Evaluation Centre in Beijing, info{at}aps.org.cn as soon as possible in order to make the necessary appointments and this before applying for a visa. The APS application form and more information can be found on www.aps.org.cn.

Every student accepted at UGent for next academic year will get the cost of their APS-screening reimbursed by the Ghent University-China Platform. For this, the student has to contact the China Platform after arrival at UGent to make an appointment.

Ghent University has a specific service for Chinese students, the China Platform. Click here for more information (also available in Chinese).



Monday, 23 August 2010

Denmark:PHD student position in Design and Modelling of Machinery Systems for Ships at Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Shipping and Marin Technology, and Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Mechanical Engineering announces a joint PhD position within the field of thermodynamic modelling of ship machinery systems. The PhD candidate will be employed by Chalmers but be located mostly at DTU in Copenhagen and doing the PhD following the DTU standards (see www.dtu.dk/Forskning/Phd-uddannelse.aspx).

Job description
Shipping faces a number of challenges related to sustainability in the coming decades. Although sea transport has been regarded as energy efficient and environmentally friendly, it is a fact that the shipping sector has not decreased its energy demand or emissions to any large extent in recent years while other sectors have achieved large reductions. The potential for reduction of CO2 emissions from the sector has recently been evaluated by a working group within the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the potential for reduction was estimated to between 25 and 75 % and a work plan to provide incentives for reduction has been issued. Improved machinery systems would provide one important issue for reduction. The potential as well as the incentives for fuel and emissions savings are thus large.

Chalmers and DTU have decided to jointly develop the competence within modelling of the energy turnover in ship machinery systems with special focus on optimization of energy use and will start a common PhD project in this area. The PhD project will be aimed at designing highly efficient machinery systems for large passenger vessels and developing methodologies for estimating the potential for power production of various waste heat recovery systems. Machinery systems under consideration include diesel engines or gas turbines with waste heat recovery systems based on regular Rankine cycles (using water/steam as working fluid) or cycles using unconventional working fluids (e.g. Organic Rankine Cycles and Kalina cycles). The work includes the development of thermodynamic simulation tools and the application of energy and exergy analysis. Furthermore, methodologies for estimating mass and volume requirements of new main engine systems will be developed within the project. The fulfilment of coming emission regulations with respect to, for example, sulphur and nitrogen oxides will be an important parameter.

Required qualifications
Applicants should hold a master's degree in engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master's degree in engineering. Strong skills and a great interest in engineering thermodynamics are essential; in particular are needed knowledge about the fundamentals of combustion engines and gas turbines. Previous experience of numerical simulation work and programming is a great advantage. Applicants should have good analytical skills and good ability to work independently towards the research goals. Furthermore, fluency in speaking, reading and writing English is important.

Application procedure
The application shall be written in English and include the following items:
  1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2010/181) must be written on the first page of the application.

Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Further information
For further information, please contact:

Karin Andersson, Chalmers
Phone: +46 31 772 2152
e-mail: karin.andersson@chalmers.se

Fredrik Haglind, DTU
Phone: +45 4525 4113
e-mail: frh@mek.dtu.dk

Union representatives

  • SACO: Jan Lindér
  • ST: Marie Wenander
  • SEKO: Johan Persson
All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00.

Denmark:2 PhD positions in inorganic chemistry and electrochemistry of materials for sustainable energy at Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

2 PhD fellowships are available in Energy and Materials Science Group at Department of Chemistry, DTU. The group has for decades been involved development of fundamental materials and technologies for sustainable energies, i.e. fuel cells and electrolysers.

The project is part of a newly established Danish-Chinese Centre for Intermediate Temperature Proton Conducting Systems, jointly financed by the Danish National Research Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and DTU.

The positions are in the area of (1) solid proton conducting electrolytes based on inorganic and/or inorganic-organic composite materials, (2) key technologies for fabrication of membranes, electrodes, and membrane-electrode-assemblies for fuel cells and electrolyser cells.

Candidates should have a master degree in chemistry or chemical engineering with a strong theoretical and especially experimental background in inorganic, electrochemistry or materials chemistry. Working experience in the field is preferred.

Approval and Enrolment
The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.

Salary and appointment terms
Salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.

The period of employment is 3 years.

Further information
For further information, please contact Professor Niels J. Bjerrum, +45 45252307.

We must have your online application by 01 September 2010. Please open the link "apply for this job online" and fill in the application form and attach your application, CV and information about academic grades.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

Denmark:PhD Scholarship in Marine Survival of Sea Trout At Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

A PhD Scholarship in Marine Survival of Sea Trout is available at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) with starting date October 2010.

The project will be carried out in the Section for Freshwater Fisheries Ecology in Silkeborg.

DTU Aqua is an institute at the Technical University of Denmark. The purpose of DTU Aqua is to provide research, advice and education at the highest international level within the sustainable exploitation of living marine and freshwater resources, the biology of aquatic organisms and the development of ecosystems as well as their integration in ecosystem-based management. The institute has an international research staff comprising approx. 90 academic employees.

Project description
A considerable part of the sea trout (Salmo trutta) lifecycle takes place in the marine environment. Basic knowledge on survival and behaviour is relatively well documented in the freshwater phase. Equivalent knowledge in the marine phase is, however, very poorly documented. A significant contributing factor has been methodological problems in addressing this phase.

Recent state of the art development within the field of telemetry has, however, now made it possible to study sea trout behaviour in the marine phase more thoroughly, principally by electronic tagging such as passive integrated tags (PIT), acoustic tags and data storage tags (DST).

By tagging with PIT tags and simple acoustic tags it is possible to monitor when the fish passes a given location. Typically this will be at the outlet of a stream or fjord where the conditions are suitable for setting up the various systems. Concurrently, other tag types, such as DST tags and acoustic oxygen transmitters open the possibility to register information on the surrounding environment of the fish of hitherto unseen resolution.

The present project aims to expand our knowledge base on sea trout behaviour and survival in the marine environment. In addition the project has the potential to provide detailed information on a number of other important life history events, such as timing of upstream and downstream movement migration, run timing of maiden vs repeat spawners, potential correlation between run timing of smolt phase and adult phase etc.

We are looking for a candidate who has:

  • Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree, or equivalent, in Aquatic Sciences
  • Previous experience in aquatic research
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English
  • Keen interest in research and for working within the field of aquatic sciences
Approval and Enrolment
The scholarship for the PhD degree is subject to academic approval, and the candidate will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes at DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.

Salary and appointment terms
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students. The period of employment is 3 years.

Further information
For further information about the project contact Senior Research Scientist Kim Aarestrup, (+45) 3588 3142 or Senior Research Scientist Anders Koed, (+45) 3588 3146.

General information may be obtained from Helge Abildhauge Thomsen, (+45) 3588 3020 or Nina Qvistgaard, (+45) 3588 3090.

We must have your online application by 13 September 2010. Please open the link "apply for this job online" and fill in the application form and attach your application, CV and information about academic grades. Applications must include a curriculum vitae and documentation of a completed master's degree including grades. Furthermore, the application must include a vision for the PhD study and for this project in particular.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

Denmark:PhD position in Prediction of Bacterial Pathogenicity At Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

A PhD position is available at the newly established Center for Genomic Epidemiology (CGE) at Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, DTU Systems Biology.

Within a few years, the price for whole-genome sequencing of bacterial genomes will have become so low that it is no longer a limiting factor. Rather, the challenges will lay in how to assemble, process and handle the large amount of data in a standardized way that will make the information useful for diagnosis, outbreak investigation, source tracing and surveillance. It is the aim of CGE to provide the bioinformatics and scientific foundation for future web-based solutions, including developing tools for extraction of biologically and epidemiologically relevant information from the sequence data. It is a key objective of the PhD project to develop methods for predicting, based on the sequence data, an organism’s potential as a pathogen or a non-pathogen. Initial focus will be on well characterized pathogens like E. coli, Salmonella and S. aureus, but later the developed procedures should be expanded to other organisms.


  • MSc degree in bioinformatics or in life science (e.g. microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biomedical engineering) combined with documented experience within bioinformatics.
  • Excellent programming skills. Experience in Perl or Python or a similar programming language.
  • Familiar with working on UNIX platforms.
  • Able to work independently and to plan and carry out complicated tasks, while also being part of a large and dynamic group.
  • Good communication skills in English, both written and spoken.
  • Interest in microbiology and global disease control.

Approval and Enrolment
The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.

Salary and appointment terms
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students. The period of employment is 3 years.

Further information
Further information may be obtained from Professor Ole Lund (+45 45 25 24 25), or from center administrator Dorthe Kjærsgaard (+ 45 45 25 24 77).

You can read more about DTU Systems Biology on www.bio.dtu.dk/English.aspx.

We must have your online application by 6 September 2010. Please open the link "apply for this job online" and fill in the application form and attach your application, CV and information about academic grades.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

Denmark:Postdoc in Practical Applications of the Set Partitioning Model

The Department of Management Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark invites applications for a position as postdoc within the field of Practical Applications of the Set Partitioning Model. The period of employment is 6 months with start 1 November 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The position is attached to the section of Operations Research (OR). The section aims at becoming one of the leading OR-groups in Scandinavia by bringing together various OR-groups from the Copenhagen area. The Department has around 230 people employed, of which 25 are in the OR-group.

Description of the project
One of the best approaches for solving many scheduling problems is via a formulation known as the set partitioning model. The model has characteristics that can be utilized in the solution process and has successfully been applied in practical optimization in scheduling, rostering and production planning. In Manpower planning efficient applications based on the set partitioning model are well-known in many different branches like e.g. nurse rostering, aircrew rostering, home care staffing and in tactical as well as operational settings.

This project aims at continuing and advancing the work within nurse rostering, ground staff planning and related fields already taking place in the section. It is based on the use of the set partitioning model to develop powerful optimization-based heuristics for practical applications.

In collaboration with the research of the group, the postdoc will look at advancing the methods and especially focus on the impact of integrating robustness in the models and methods.

One of the responsibilities attached to this project is to teach the OR-part of the course Introduction to Planning In addition, the applicant should also be able to assist in the teaching of the course Networks and Integer Programming.

Qualifications requirements
Candidates should have a Master's degree in computer science, engineering or a similar degree and academic qualifications equivalent to the PhD level.

  • The successful candidate should possess an advanced degree in operations research.
  • The successful candidate should have experience in developing algorithms for hard combinatorial optimization problems
  • Good programming skills
  • Good project management skills
  • Fluent in English, spoken as well as written

We offer
We believe that we offer an exciting and challenging job in an international environment with a good team spirit and good possibilities for professional and personal growth. We are a family-friendly organisation with flexible working hours.

In the assessment of the candidates consideration will be given to

  • experience in teaching
  • scientific production and research potential at an international level
  • the ability to promote and utilize research results
  • an all-round experience basis, preferably including international experience
  • the ability to contribute to development of the department’s internal and external cooperation
Salary and terms of employment
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union.

The desired start date is 1 November 2010.

Application procedure
We must have your online application no later than 6 September 2010. Please open the link "apply for this job online" and fill in the application form and attach your application (in English), CV and a list of publications. Teaching materials and research publications to be considered in the assessment must be attached as well.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

Further information
Further information may be obtained from Associate Professor Jesper Larsen, phone +45 4525 3385.

Denmark:Postdoc/Researcher in Antimicrobial Resistance and Global Epidemiology of Food Borne, Zoonotic in Infections

The National Food institute (DTU Food) invites applications for a position as Postdoc/Researcher. The position is available from 1 November 2010 or soon after, and for a period of 3 years.

The scientific focus is on the global emergence, spread and control of antimicrobial resistant and other foodborne / zoonotic pathogens.

The applicant will participate in the coordination of the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) and the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre (WHO CC) for Antimicrobial Resistance which includes a combination of research, training, and performing quality assurance testing (proficiency tests) within international networks e.g. EURL and WHO. Occasional travelling must also be expected.

The applicant will be affiliated to the Research group for Antimicrobial Resistance and Molecular Epidemiology with about 30 people engaged in research and consultancy regarding antimicrobial resistance and molecular epidemiology of food borne microorganisms.

The main responsibility of the applicant is to perform and communicate research within the area of antimicrobial resistance and molecular epidemiology in a national as well as global context and to coordinate international proficiency testing.

The research should focus on:

  • International and national occurrence, characterisation, and spread of food borne / zoonotic bacteria as well as antimicrobial resistant bacteria of importance for human and animal health
  • Development and evaluation of methods for detection of antimicrobial resistance
  • Development, implementation and evaluation of global standards for monitoring, detection and characterisation of antimicrobial resistance
    A key task of the applicant is to co-coordinate and further develop the already ongoing activities within external quality control, and capacity building as well as collaboration within existing networks such as those of the EURL, WHO CC and Global Foodborne Infections Network (GFN) in collaboration with other employees

The applicant should preferably hold a PhD in microbiology or epidemiology in a relevant area of foodborne infections, zoonosis, or antimicrobial resistance. The applicant should have an all-round experience based on a solid microbiological background including experience in epidemiology or vise versa. Additionally, experience with laboratory capacity building, quality assurance, and interdisciplinary knowledge of antimicrobial resistance, food borne pathogens, and molecular microbiology. Because of the global nature of the issue it is necessary that the applicant has international experience and has shown ability to work in collaboration with researchers at different levels in an international perspective.

In the assessment of the candidates consideration will be given to:

  • The ability to produce, present and utilize research results into reports, presentations and scientific articles
  • Experience with microbiology, molecular typing and epidemiology
  • Qualification within the assignment(s) that are associated with the position
  • The ability to collaborate and coordinate reference activities
  • The ability to attract funding to the research area
  • An open-minded, outgoing, motivated, and enthusiastic personality
  • The ability to interact and communicate with people of different professional and cultural background
  • The ability to work in a multidisciplinary context / environment
  • The ability to write and communicate orally in fluent English
  • The ability to manage competing priorities.
  • Scientific production and research potential at international level
  • Innovative skills and the ability to generate new ideas
  • An all-round experience basis, preferably including international experience
  • The ability to contribute to development of the department’s internal and external cooperation

We offer
We offer an interesting and challenging job in an international environment focusing on education, research, public-sector consultancy and innovation, which contribute to enhancing the economy and improving social welfare. We strive for academic excellence, collegial respect and freedom tempered by responsibility. The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is a leading technical university in northern Europe and benchmarks with the best universities in the world.

Salary and terms of employment
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union.

Further information
Further information may be obtained from Rene Hendriksen, tel: +45 35 88 62 88.

You can read more about DTU Food on www.food.dtu.dk/Default.aspx?ID=2227.

We must have your online application by 5 September 2010. Please open the link "apply online" and fill in the application form and attach your application, CV and a list of publications. Applications should be submitted in English.

Applications and enclosures received after the deadline will not be considered.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

Denmark:PhD scholarship in radiochemistry

Applications are invited from enthusiastic and talented individuals for a PhD scholarship in radiochemistry at the Hevesy Laboratory at Risø DTU.

The Hevesy Laboratory is a radiochemical and radiopharmaceutical facility at Risø DTU. The laboratory has a 16.5 MeV cyclotron equipped with a beam line for in-house production of isotopes, including 18F for PET scanning. The research laboratories and clean rooms feature state of the art equipment for radioactive and stable isotope chemistry.

At present, we are 20 people in a multidisciplinary team, working with both research and production. Among the research activities currently conducted are 18F chemistry, tritium chemistry and Auger emitting nuclides for therapy.

Drawing on recent advances in organic-, organometallic- and radiochemistry the successful candidate will explore new methods of 18F-C bond formation using 18F fluoride. The research will also include the development of new methodologies for extraction of 18F-fluoride from target water and converting it into an efficient fluorination source.

Candidates should have (or be about to obtain) a master's degree in engineering, radiochemistry, organic- or organometallic chemistry or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master's degree in engineering. The candidate should also demonstrate a strong commitment to research.

Approval and Enrolment
The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.

Salary and appointment terms

The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students. The period of employment is 3 years.

Further information
You are welcome to contact Senior Researcher Fedor Zhuravlev, +45 4677 5337 or Head of Hevesy Laboratory Palle Rasmussen, +45 7677 5332.

The application deadline is 1 September 2010. Please open the link "apply for this job online" and fill in the application form and attach the following documents: 1) a Cover Letter, 2) a CV, including list of publications, 3) a copy of your academic transcripts.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

New Zealand:The Michael Baldwin Memorial Scholarship For Papua New Guinea At University of Waikato


This scholarship is open for application to students who are citizens of South Pacific nations. However, preference may be given to students who are citizens of Papua New Guinea.

Preference may also be given to applicants who can demonstrate a need for financial support in order to undertake tertiary study.

What is the Michael Baldwin Memorial Scholarship?

Michael Baldwin was a staff member at The University of Waikato at the time of his death in 2003. He had taught for a number of years in Papua New Guinea - at the institute currently known as the University of Goroka - before his appointment to the Centre for Foundation Studies (now part of the Pathways College) at The University of Waikato.

This scholarship commemorates Michael's commitment to teaching and to assisting others in their educational endeavours, and was made possible through the generosity of the Baldwin family.

How to Apply?

For an application form and further information, please download the PDF below.

Michael Baldwin Scholarship Information and Application Form

For further info, please contact the University of Waikato Scholarships Office at scholarships@waikato.ac.nz

New Zealand:Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarships At University of Waikato


Applicants must demonstrate significant achievement to date and potential to further excel in either
1. a sporting code, or
2. a performing or creative art, and
3. leadership qualities

What is the Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship?

NZ "icon" Sir Edmund Hillary agreed in 2004 that new scholarships can be named after him.

The Sir Edmund Hillary scholarships are available to students who are academic high achievers and who also excel at either arts or sports.

The University determines the maximum number of scholarships available annually. For example, in 2007, approximately 40 Scholarships were offered.

The scholarship may be awarded to international students who display exceptional talent. For international students, the scholarship will cover the equivalent of the recipient’s tuition fees at domestic rates. It will be the responsibility of the student to pay the balance of their fees.

To remain in the programme, scholars will be expected to maintain a B grade pass average or better each year and meet a range of other requirements.

How to Apply?

Applications must be received by the University of Waikato Scholarships Office on the prescribed form by 31 October in the year preceding the intended year of study.

Applications must be accompanied by a portfolio. For further info on the application process check the Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship programme regulations for 2008.

Please contact the University of Waikato Scholarships Office at: scholarships@waikato.ac.nz if you have more questions.

Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship and Application Form

New Zealand:International Education Finance Corporation Scholarships For US And Canadian citizen At University of Waikato


To be eligible to apply you must be either a US or Canadian citizen, or a foreign student with a co-signer that is a US citizen or permanent resident.

Students attending the University of Waikato can apply for funding from the International Education Finance Corporation (IEFC) through the ISLP Private Loan Program.

What is the International Education Finance Corporation?

The International Education Finance Corporation (IEFC) was established to fill a major void in education financing programs for international students. IEFC partners with the premier international loan guarantee agencies and lenders to make innovative, low cost education loans available to the thousands of students seeking the international education experience.

How to Apply?

Please check out the IEFC website for info about the application process.

There are no fees or costs associated with submitting an application form.

There is no deadline. Students should be advised to leave plenty of time to submit the application and required documentation so that funds may disbursed by school deadlines. Applications for past academic years are allowed only if the school will certify that past education related expenses are due.

For further info about eligibility and application procedures contact IEFC at contact@iefc.com

Friday, 20 August 2010

The IBM Center for Advanced Studies in Portugal (IBM CAS – Portugal) Funding At Doctoral And Postdoctoral Level

In accordance with the Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources (http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamento2010), the IBM Center for Advanced Studies in Portugal (IBM CAS – Portugal) opens a call for funding of individual grants of the following type:

Doctoral Grants (BD)
Post-Doctoral Grants (BPD)

These are one-year grants, renewable for up to total of three consecutive years, as long as interim evaluations are positive. The grants cannot be awarded for periods of less than one uninterrupted year.

Period of the Call

The call will be open from July 1st to September 30th and will include two evaluation cycles. The fist cycle will evaluate all applications sealed before 6pm on August 31st, 2010. The second cycle will evaluate all applications sealed before 6pm on September 30th, 2010.


The individual applications must be submitted in English using the Application Form available at the website, and sent to ibmcas@fe.up.pt.
Approved grants may start not before September 20th 2010.


The evaluation takes into account the merits of the candidate, and his/her motivation to work in the pre-selected project. Until September 15th (October 15th, for 2nd cycle) the evaluation panel will produce an ordered list of candidates. Pre-selected candidates may have to undergo an interview.


Thursday, 19 August 2010

Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship

The PhD Scholarship Programme recognises and supports exceptional students who show the potential to make an outstanding contribution to science and computing. This programme supports PhD students in computing and those working at the intersection of computing and the sciences.

Only PhD supervisors should apply. If their project is selected, the supervisor has up to a year to find the best possible student for the project.


* Application deadline: 15 September 2010, 17:00 GMT
* Notification of results: December 2010

Eligibility Criteria

We usually consider only one application per university department or per laboratory of a national research institution.

Only applications from institutions in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East will be considered; students may be of any nationality, however.

For an application to be considered, the proposed research must be closely related to the research carried out at Microsoft Research in Cambridge. These research topics are:

* Computational Science
* Computer-Mediated Living
* Constraint Reasoning
* Machine Learning and Perception
* Online Services and Advertising
* Programming Principles and Tools
* Systems and Networking

Application Process

Applications are on a competitive basis and we anticipate a high level of demand for scholarships (the average selection rate has been around 20 percent over the last six years).

Applications are accepted only through a student’s institution, such as from the PhD supervisor or a departmental secretary. We do not accept applications from students directly.

* Applications should contain the following:
o An online web form that includes contact details of supervisor(s) and possible reviewers.
Ideally, one of the suggested reviewers should be from Microsoft Research. If no suitable Microsoft researcher can be identified, it may mean that the proposed research project is too far from our areas of interest.
o A project proposal of maximum six (6) A4 pages in 10-point font, including references.
Accepted formats: plain text or Microsoft Office Word only.
* The research project proposal should address the following points:
o Evidence that the research supervisor would be suitable to supervise a PhD student for the proposed research project.
This may include a short list of the supervisor's recent and relevant publications. Please consider including the URLs of the publications to make it easier for reviewers to find them.
o Evidence that the department or laboratory offers a suitable environment for research in the proposed area.
o Basis for the research (motivations and brief state-of-the-art, including key references).
o Hypothesis under investigation and main aims.
o Research strategy with significant milestones if identified.
o Methods of research (for example, main techniques, experiments, and trials).
o Details of any collaboration with other departments/research bodies.
o Expected outcomes (for example, software tools).

Applications must be complete, submitted online, and received by the announced deadline to be considered. Proposals received after this deadline will not be considered.

Access the online PhD Scholarship Application System

Knowledge Sharing Innovation Fund 2010 Scholarship For African Students

Brief Description

The Knowledge Sharing Innovation Fund will offer grants of up to US$6.500 to projects that seek to overcome barriers to share knowledge with ’hard to reach’ or marginalised African communities. These barriers may be related to geographical remotness, low communication infrastructure, language, access to information and marginalisation due to gender or disability. Theatre performances, songs, radio broadcasts, visual arts, videos and comics are just a few ideas about how they could be overcome. The key is to ensure these groups can learn and share knowledge that can be usefully deployed.

Deadline: September 3, 2010

Further Details: http://www.africa-adapt.net/aa/ProjectResources.aspx?PID=nBnFEWvFWrY%3d

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

U.K:Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan for Indian Citizens– 2011

I. Applications are invited from Indian nationals either on line through http://www.education.nic.in/ or on plain paper in the FORMAT GIVEN BELOW for nominations from India for the award of Commonwealth Scholarships in United Kingdom tenable from October 2011 for higher studies/research/specialized training in the subjects mentioned below in the United Kingdom. Up to Sixty (60) nominations are to be sent to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission for final selection to be made by them. Out of these not more than twenty five (25) are for doctoral studies (including via the spilt-site mode) reflecting operational quotas for awards.


The candidate should not be more than 40 years of age as on 15.09.2010 and fulfill the minimum qualifications as per Para (IV) below.


These scholarships will be awarded for studies leading to either: -

(1) SIX MONTHS OF CLINICAL TRAINING (For MBBS, BDS,MS, MD degree holders only)

1. Cancer Research 2. Cardiology 3. Gynecology 4. Medicine 5. Dentistry 6. Orthopedics 7. Neurology and 8. ENT.

*From 1st October 2010, all international medical graduates, including those on Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships, who apply for registration with the GMC will be required to score 7.0 or above in every band of the academic IELTS test. Applicants in medicine and dentistry whose programme requires them to practise clinically, or to work in a laboratory department reporting on samples from Patents, can be considered only if they are eligible for registration with the General Medical Council or the General Dental Council.



1. Electronics/Electrical 2. Environmental Studies 3. Remote Sensing Technology 4. Communication Engineering 5. Biotechnology or Biochemical Engineering 6. Robotics 7. Computer Applications/Computer Science 8. Aerospace Engg./Aeronautics 9. Civil Engineering 10. Material Science 11. Mining Engineering and 12. Marine Engg.


1. Mathematics 2. Molecular Biology 3. Physics and 4. Chemistry (including Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry).


1. Agronomy & Forestry.


1. History 2. Sociology 3. **Management Studies 4. Economics 5. Philosophy 6.Psychology 7. Law 8. English (Literature/Linguistics) and 9. Political Science with International Relations

Candidates who have already completed Ph.D. or are about to complete it will not be considered.


The candidates must have completed tertiary education in English Medium :-


One should hold or able to produce the certificate of Bachelor’s Degree by 31st August 2011 in the subject field concerned (indicated above) securing 60% or above marks in Humanities and Social Science group and 65% or above marks in Medical, Engineering and Technology, Science and Agriculture Group. Candidate should give one page academic justification for pursuing the course in U.K.

**Candidates who wish to undertake postgraduate study in Business and/or Management should before applying for a Commonwealth Scholarship, have taken the Graduate Management Admission Test (Princeton Test). Enquiries to: G.M.A.T. Educational Testing Services, Box 966 – R, Princeton, NJ 08541, U.S.A. Candidates for awards in Economics and related subjects should be aware that a number of departments may require them, before admission, to pass the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) of which details may be obtained from Graduate Record Examination, Educational Testing Service, Box 955, Princeton, NJ 08541, U.S.A. Service, Box 955, Princeton, NJ 08541, U.S.A.

Applicants for level of course at ‘1’ in Para III above whose programme requires them to practice clinically, or to work in a laboratory department reporting on samples from patients, can be considered only if they are eligible for registration with the General Medical Council or the General Dental Council. Information about current conditions for registration can be obtained from: -

“The General Medical Council,
Overseas Registration Division,
178 – 202 Great Portland Street,
London WIN 6JE, or,

The General Dental Council,
37 Wimpole Street,
London WIM 8DQ”

Candidates whose native language is not English will be required to provide evidence that they have sufficient competence in English to practice Medicine or Dentistry in the United Kingdom. Nominated candidates will be required to take the IELTS, for which they may contact local British Council Office.


One should hold or able to produce the certificate of Master’s Degree by 31st August 2011 in the concerned subject fields (indicated above) securing 60% or above marks in Humanities and Social Science group and 65% or above marks in the relevant subjects in Medical, Engineering and Technology, Science and Agriculture group.


Each scholarship provides: -

(A) Student concessionary or other approved air fare to the United Kingdom by the most direct and economical route and return on expiry of the scholarship (the cost of journey made before receipt of award will not normally be reimbursed nor can fares be paid for a scholar’s dependents).

(B) Approved tuition and examination fees.

(C) A personal maintenance allowance payable monthly.

(D) A grant for books and apparatus in the first year of study and for a subsequent full year also; and a grant towards the expenses preparing a thesis of dissertation, where applicable;

(E) A grant for expenses of approved travel within the U.K.

(F) An initial clothing grant for most scholars on first arrival from tropical developing countries;

(G) Where a host institution has in advance declared and the Commission has accepted, the need for fieldwork outside the United Kingdom, a grant towards the cost of such fieldwork, which shall not normally exceed one economy and tourist class return fare to the fieldwork location. Scholars for whom fieldwork fares are provided to their home country shall not be entitled to a mid – term homeward fare;

(H) For married scholars selected by the Commission for awards exceeding 12 months, a marriage allowance per mensem is payable provided that the husband and wife are residing together at the same address in the United Kingdom. It is not paid when a husband or wife of the scholars is also in receipt of an award, or is in paid employment. For such married couples accompanied by their children, a child allowance is payable for the first, second and third child under the age of 16 provided they are residing with their parents. A scholar who is unaccompanied by spouse but accompanied by children for whom he/she is legally responsible, shall receive the equivalent of the spouse’s allowance for the first child, and child allowances for the second and third child, irrespective of the length of tenure of award.

Scholar’s emoluments are not subject to United Kingdom income tax, but holders and their spouses may be liable for the payment at least in part of any Council tax levied by the local authority where they live.


(A) For those applying by post, applications on plain paper (as per format given below) alongwith the required documents (attested copies of all certificates/degrees/diplomas have to be attached) should reach Section Officer, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, External Scholarship Division, ES.4 Section, A-2/W-4, Curzon Road Barracks, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 by 15th September 2010. (Tele. No. 23384501, 23386401 and 23384687, 23382498)

(B) For those applying online, hard copy of application alongwith supporting documents should be submitted to reach the above-mentioned address by 20th September 2010.


1. A candidate may apply for only one subject of his/her choice.

2. As a condition of award, the Commission or a host institution in Britain may also require a candidate to take particular English Tests and/or training in English.

3. The final selection of the nominated candidates rests with the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in U.K.

4. Nomination of a candidate by Government of India does not guarantee final selection or placement. The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission will make its own selection out of overall nominees recommended by all the participating countries in the programme.

5. Mere fulfillment of minimum requirements as laid down in the advertisement does not qualify a candidate for interview. Interview letters are sent only to a limited number of candidates after their applications are examined by the Committee of Experts.

6. Application must be accompanied by attested copies of certificates regarding date of birth, diplomas, degrees, mark sheets in respect of all the examination passed alongwith experience certificate of Employment (if any) and one copy of recently taken passport size photograph with signature (to be pasted on application form). Self attested certificates will not be accepted.

7. Applicants already holding a Doctoral Degree or about to obtain will not be considered. Candidates who have already done a Ph.D. in India or abroad are not considered.

8. Candidates who have already been abroad for studies/training/specialization either on scholarships or on their own, for a period exceeding six months are eligible to apply if they have been in India for at least two consecutive years after returning from abroad as on 15.09.2010. Applications of candidates who are already abroad will not be considered.

9. In case of candidates qualifying from Universities, where grades are awarded, the candidates are required to furnish exact percentage of marks and indicate the conversion formula.

10. Candidates will be expected to have some knowledge of India and of the donor country.

11. Candidates who are employed must apply through their employers. Candidates belonging to the All India Services should send their applications through their Cadre Controlling Authority. No Objection Certificate from Employer should invariably be submitted on or before the time of interview. Otherwise candidates will not be allowed to appear for interview.

12. It is very important that applicants who are in employment to which they wish to return after completion of their studies in UK should have an assurance from their Organisation that if their nomination is successful, they will be granted sufficient leave of absence. In general, a candidate undertaking research for a Ph.D. can be expected to need 36 months study in the United Kingdom even though in the first instance, the award will only be offered for one or two years.

13. While indicating the period of past experience and stay abroad, candidates should mention the specific dates.

14. As these scholarships are offered by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in UK the applications should be submitted in English only.

15. Applications in subject-fields other than those specified in the advertisement will not be considered.

16. Candidates who do not possess the essential qualification need not apply.

17. Candidates must furnish a clear and precise programme of study/research (minimum 500 words) justifying that their study/research can be carried out in the United Kingdom. Candidates are advised to describe their plan for study/research proposals carefully as these will be a primary condition in selection both PG/Ph.D course.

18 Incomplete applications and applications received after the stipulated date will not be considered and no correspondence will be entertained.

19. Documents submitted along with the application will not be returned. Hence, candidates are advised to send only attested copies of the certificates.


21. In case no interview letter is received by an applicant by 30th October, 2010, it may be presumed that he/she has not been short listed by the Selection Committee. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.





(i) Candidates are advised to submit simultaneously another “Independent Application” to their chosen ‘Institution’ in the U.K. directly so that their placements and admission become easier.

(ii) In case, the candidate has received any offer / invitation for admission in any University or Institution in U.K., he/she should bring the same and produce before the Selection Committee at the time of interview.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Australia:“Babe” Norman Scholarship For Nurses and Midwives

The Nurses Memorial Centre is honoured to offer the “Babe” Norman Scholarship. This three year Scholarship is available to nurses and midwives enrolled in a research doctorate at an Australian university. Recipients of the “Babe” Norman Scholarship will be selected by a panel of experts in conjunction with the Nurses Memorial Centre.

About the "Babe" Norman Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria

Application Form

Nurses Memorial Centre Membership Application Form

Monday, 16 August 2010

Canada:Doctoral Student Research Award (DSRA) For All Countries

This program is designed to assist full-time graduate students at degree-granting institutions of higher education, whose dissertations are related in substantial part to Canada, to undertake doctoral research about Canada. The purpose is to increase knowledge and understanding of Canada and to support the development of Canadian Studies. The award provides assistance towards international airfare and a monthly flat rate allowance for up to a maximum of 6 months spent in Canada while doing research.

Research Fields

Awards may be granted for research in any of the following categories:

  1. Although we welcome applications from all disciplines lending themselves most readily to Canadian Studies research development, we are particularly interested in projects that have policy relevance for Canada and Canada’s foreign policy. Topics that are highly relevant to Canada’s foreign policy include Democracy & Rule of Law, Economic Development, Environment, Managing Diversity, North American Partnership, Peace and Security;
  2. Comparative studies with substantial Canadian content (33% or more);
  3. Aspects of Canada's bilateral relations with participating countries.

(Purely scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry, medicine, engineering, etc. which would not lead to a better knowledge and understanding of Canada per se are not eligible, nor are proposals which focus exclusively on technological or methodological issues).


Applicants must be:

  1. a citizen of the country (or have legal resident status) where he/she is submitting an application; NOTE: Applicants who are registered in institutions outside their home country should apply in their country of citizenships.
  2. a graduate student in a recognized institution of higher education or equivalent degree-granting institute in the determined country who will have completed course and course-related doctoral requirements by the time a graduate student award would be granted;
  3. proficient in either English or French.

Value of Awards

The maximum value of any award will consist of a contribution towards international airfare (ecomony class), an allowance of CDN$ 1,200 per complete month towards expenses while in Canada, up to a maximum of 6 months, and an allocation of CDN$ 300 upon submission to the appropriate Canadian Mission of a final report on the award. Smaller awards may also be made.

Terms and Conditions

The International Council for Canadian Studies through a contribution of the Government of Canada and with the assistance of the appropriate Canadian Mission, will award non-renewable grants to successful candidates on condition that the candidate must give a written undertaking on his/her own behalf that:

  1. the applicant will personally apply for an award and will carry out his/her own doctoral dissertation research, as part of his/her formal program of studies leading to a degree;
  2. awards are intended to assist in defraying only direct costs resulting from a period of time spent in Canada while doing research, including return travel to Canada;
  3. the applicant will make all arrangements relating to the research project, including: international travel; visa and passport (if needed); accommodation and travel within Canada; medical insurance while in Canada; study plans, including inter alia appointments with Canadian academics and other resource persons, access to libraries and other study centres, etc.;
  4. the applicant will reside in Canada throughout the period to which the award relates;
  5. within 60 days of returning home, a candidate will send to the appropriate Canadian Mission a detailed report, in English or French, on the work done during the stay in Canada. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of the final payment of the award;
  6. the rights to the research will remain the exclusive property of the researcher. However, the Canadian Mission requires two copies of the subsequent dissertation when completed. (One copy will be forwarded to the, the International Council for Canadian Studies, Ottawa, for possible onward transmission to the Library and Archives Canada; the other will be retained by the Canadian Mission for consultation purposes);
  7. candidates who drop out of their doctoral program will immediately inform the Canadian Mission.


Deadlines vary from country to country. Please click here for country-specific deadline information.

Application Procedure

Applications must be submitted through the local Canadian Mission in one's home country or territory for which a given Canadian Mission has responsibility. Applications submitted directly to the ICCS cannot be accepted nor redirected. An application dossier, in either English or French, will consist of a filled out application form accompanied by a concise curriculum vitae.

Application forms can be obtained from your local Canadian Mission or you can print or download the forms from the following links:

DSR Application form: Adobe PDF Form format
DSR Application form: Microsoft Word format

Selection and Notification

All applications will be reviewed by a pre-selection jury established in the participating country/region by the Canadian Mission or regional network. The jury will include representatives of the academic community in the country or region of citizenship of the applicant (including if possible a representative of the national or multinational association for Canadian Studies) and, when possible, Canadian academics.At the discretion of the pre-selection jury, an applicant may be invited to submit additional information or an amended application.

Pertinent criteria will be:

  1. academic excellence of the proposal;
  2. Canadian content;
  3. relevance of the proposal to identified priorities and to Canadian Studies;
  4. feasibility of the project.

After reviewing applications and the recommendations of the pre-selection jury, the International Council for Canadian Studies in Ottawa will forward its recommendations to DFAIT, which will make the final selection.

All applicants will be notified in writing of the results of their application, normally within 90 days of the deadline for submission of applications.

Payment Procedure

Successful candidates will be sent a Grant Agreement detailing the value and conditions of the award, to be signed and returned to the local Canadian Mission within 30 days.

Awards will be paid in several instalments. The first payment, upon reception of the signed Grant Agreement, will include the allocation for international transportation (economy class) and the first monthly allowance; the following monthly allowances will be paid at the end of each month in Canada up to the maximum number of months of the award; final payment of Cdn$300 will be disbursed only upon submission of an acceptable report on the research activities and progress while in Canada.

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